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LRE (Flights of Experimental Rockets, in Polish: Loty Rakiet Eksperymentalnych, hereinafter: LRE) is a meeting organized in order to launch experimental rockets, constructed by amateur teams of constructors from within the Polish Rocketry Association (Polskie Towarzystwo Rakietowe, hereinafter: PTR), as well as by other Polish and foreign organizations qualified to take part in the event.

General information:

Planned time schedule, place and maximal altitude for particular LRE event is announced each time by PTR as the Event Organizer.

Requirements for rockets:

Experimental rocket approved for flight shall comply with following conditions:

  • shall be equipped with a reliable recovery system which guarantees safe landing within the firing range,
  • shall be equipped with a localization system in order to find the rocket after landing,
  • shall pose as small as possible thread of setting on fire the surroundings of both launch and landing site,
  • only the environmentally friendly materials and construction solutions shall be applied.

A Team consisted of members being the LRE Participants can take a part in LRE event after fulfilling the following requirements:


I Terms of participation

  1. Team and the Team Leader
  2. a) A Team shall consist of a minimum of two Participants, where one of them is acting as the Team Leader who is responsible for Team’s organization and stays in close communication with the Organizer. Maximum number of the Team members shall not exceed 30 people (Participants, who are not PTR members). NOTE: Teams consisting of 4 members and more are required to appoint one person who will guard the designated point (designated by the military) in order to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the training ground. These people must be available the day before the event due to the training conducted by the Polish Army.
  1. b) PTR Team consists of a minimum of two Participants, holding a valid PTR id card, where one of them is acting as Team Leader who is responsible for Team’s organization and stays in close communication with the Organizer. The participation of not PTR members within PTR Team is forbidden. The Participation in PTR team is free of charge.
  2. c) At latest eight weeks before the preliminary date of LRE event the Team Leader is to deliver to the Organizer’s e-mail address: biuro@rakiety.org.pl, the documentation of test/experiment, which is going to be conducted by the Team. This documentation shall include:
  • simulation of the flight together with flight parameters such as: altitude, descend rate, flight time and distance of the expected place of landing from the place of launch,
  • rocket’s design together with: basic construction data, parameters of motor(s), electronic equipment, description of rocket’s recovery system, method of localization of the rocket after landing, stability parameters.
  1. d) In case the data mentioned above has been changed, the Team Leader shall immediately supply the Organizer with the changed data by e-mail to the address: biuro@rakiety.org.pl.
  1. LRE Participant is a Team member, who:
  2. a) is at least 18 years old;
  3. b) had conveyed to biuro@rakiety.org.pl his intention to participate in the announced LRE Event;
  4. c) received or downloaded from the web site the necessary documents (“Participation Entry Form”, “Terms and Conditions Of Participation in LRE Event” and “RDM Safety Code”) and got familiar with it;
  5. d) had sent the completed and signed “Participation Entry Form” at latest eight weeks before the preliminary date of LRE event in the form of a scan to the Organizer’s e-mail address: biuro@rakiety.org.pl, or in paper form to the PTR official address. This “Participation Entry Form” shall be considered as preliminary act of will and does not impose the obligation of participation;
  6. e) paid by bank transfer the range fee of 100 PLN (or 25 Euros) to PTR’s bank account (does not concern PTR members).
  1. In case of any doubts, the Organizer reserves the right to request additional information.

II Conditions of participation

§ 1

  1. Every activity conducted on a specified real estate which directly leads to a launch of a rocket from this real estate, and if such activity is agreed between the Organizer and the real estate’s owner or administrator is considered as participation in launching of rockets (hereinafter referred to the Rocket Experiment).
  1. The Participant is aware of serious damage or harms which can happen to the Participant, the Organizer, area owner or the third parties in connection with launching the rockets.
  1. The Participant undertakes to refrain from any activity or omissions which could preclude the Organizer from complying with any obligations in relation to the owner or administrator of real estate which is the area of Rocket Experiment.
  1. The Participant undertakes the following:
  2. to obey the provisions of „RDM Safety Code” and the “Rules and Conditions of Participation in LRE Event” which are available on the Organizer’s website (rakiety.org.pl);
  3. to let the Organizer verify a rocket in terms of conformity with the before submitted documentation;
  4. to avoid and prevent the situations which can cause danger or risk of loss;
  5. to obey the health and safety norms and regulations as well as the fire code which are under the generally applicable laws or the right ones for particular real estate where the Rocket Experiments are conducted;
  6. to refrain from touching, moving and picking up of any of found misfires, unexploded shells and bombs or other materials such as: bullets, bombs, grenades, detonators, fuses, explosive materials;
  7. to inform the Organizer, the owner or administrator of real estate being the area of Rocket Experiment of any material found listed in point e) and indicate the location of its discovery;
  8. to leave the real estate, which is the area of Rocket Experiment and the infrastructure existing on this real estate in a status, which is the natural consequence of proper and compliant with this agreement, conduction of the Rocket Experiment;

§ 2

  1. The Parties agree, that with reservation of mandatory provisions of law the Organizer doesn’t bear any responsibility in relation to the Participant who is taking a part in Rocket Experiment. In particular, the Organizer doesn’t bear any responsibility for the damages or harms done to the Participant as a result of conducting the Rocket Experiment, except such damages and harms are done intentionally.
  1. The Participant acknowledges that the Organizer doesn’t bear any responsibility for activities and omissions of the Participant including the damages done by the Participant to the third parties. In case the third parties claim the Organizer in connection with these activities and omissions, the Participant undertakes to release the Organizer from the benefit duty under the responsibility for damages or harms being the result of these activities or omissions. The Participant is responsible toward the Organizer for the third parties including the State Treasury, that these parties will not demand from the Organizer to compensate or to provide redress for damages or harms caused by these activities or omissions. The Participant is obligated in particular to supply the Organizer with all information and support in case of dispute (judicial or extra-judicial) related to the above mentioned claims and to take legal steps toward substitution of the Organizer and covering the costs borne by the Organizer in relation with the mentioned above claims including the justified costs of legal services

§ 3

In case of cancellation of LRE, the Organizer shall bear no liability towards the Participant for any damage related thereto.

§ 4

The Organizer accepts the Participant’s obligations mentioned in the present Terms and Conditions establishing the terms of agreement between the Parties.

§ 5

The present rules and conditions is subjected to Polish law. The Parties agree, that except the mandatory provisions of law provide otherwise, any and all disputes resulting from this Agreement shall be resolved by Polish courts.

§ 6

These legal and organizational regulations have been issued in English and Polish. In case of any discrepancy between English and Polish version of this document, the Polish version shall prevail.